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My tutorials are written by me and are the results of my own imagination. Any resemblance to another tutorial are purely coincidental.

Please DO NOT claim any of my tutorials as your own.

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Wednesday, February 7, 2024

PTU: Frankie's Girl

This tutorial was written by me on October 21, 2017. The results are of my own imagination.  Any resemblance to another tutorial is purely coincidental.  

Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own.

This was written assuming you have a working knowledge of PSP.

Please keep in mind that I write the tutorial as I am creating it.

Sometimes I may not explain properly where to place things so please see my example if you are ever in doubt :)

Supplies needed

I am using PSP X9 but this tutorial should work with any version.

PTU Tube:  I am using Cartoon Pink 31-1.  Please do not use this tubes without a proper license.  
You can purchase Cartoon Pink's tubes at CDO here

PTU Kit:  I am using an awesome kit called "IB-CartoonPink-31-1" created by Foxy Designz.  This scrap kit can be used with any artists work.  You can purchase this kit at CDO here. Check out Foxys blog here.

Mask:  Mask 37.  Created by Vivienne's Paintbox.  You can download it here.  Click on the mask to enlarge it, right click and save as.  Open and minimize in PSP.

FTU Font Another Danger.  You can download it from Dafont here.

Plug in: None

I am using a drop shadow (D/S) of V 0 H 5, Opacity 85, blur 10, color black throughout the tutorial unless otherwise stated.

Let's get started.

Open a new 800x800 transparent image.  We will resize later.

Open paper 4, copy and close the original.  Add a new raster layer, Select all, Edit, paste into selection.  Layers, new mask layer, from image.  In the drop-down select Vivienne's mask and click ok.  Merge group.

Open element 21, copy and close the original.  Select the mask layer and paste.  Resize 70% and move to the upper left corner.  Drop shadow.

Open element 8, copy and close the original.  Select the mask layer and paste.  Resize 70% and move to the upper right corner.

Open element 18, copy and close the original.  Select the moon layer and paste.  Resize 50% and move to the upper right over the moon.  Drop shadow.

Open element 10, copy and close the original.  Select the moon layer and paste.  Move behind the house and up slightly.  Drop shadow.

Open Frame 1, copy and close the original.  Select the top layer and paste.  Resize 60% and move down slightly.  Using your magic wand, click in the center of the frame.  Selection, modify, expand by 5.  Open paper 6, copy and close the original.  Select the house layer and add a new raster layer.  Standing on the new layer, edit, paste into selection.  Select none.  Drop shadow the frame.

Open element 12, copy and close the original.  Select the house layer and paste.  Resize 60% and move to the right side of the frame and up slightly.  Drop shadow.

Open the close-up tube, copy and close the original.  Select the top layer and paste.  Move up slightly so the bottom is even with the frame.  Drop shadow.

Open element 9, copy and close the original.  Select the totem layer and paste.  Resize 60% and move to the lower left.  Duplicate and move to the right so it is in front of the totem.  Drop shadow each layer.

Open element 6, copy and close the original.  Select the frame layer and paste.  Resize 65% and move it so it fits on the frame.  Drop shadow.

Open element 20, copy and close the original.  Select the top bush layer and paste.  Resize 60% and move to the lower right so it covers the bush slightly and peeks out from behind the frame.  Duplicate and mirror.  Move this layer above the totem layer and move up and to the left so it is in front of the house.  Drop shadow each layer.

Open element 1, copy and close the original.  Select the bottom bush layer and paste.  Resize 40% and move to the bottom left so it peeks out from behind the frame.  Drop shadow.

Open element 2, copy and close the original.  Select the top leaf layer and paste.  Resize 40% and move to the bottom right of the frame so it peeks out from behind it.  Drop shadow.

Open element 20 again, copy and close the original.  Select the top layer and paste.  Resize 30% and move to the far bottom right.  Duplicate and mirror.  Duplicate this layer and move to the right so it overlaps the original.  Duplicate the original and move to the left so it overlaps.  The bottom of the frame should be covered in leaves.  Drop shadow each layer.

Open wordart 1, copy and close the original.  Select the top layer and paste.  Resize 80% and move to the bottom center and drop shadow.

Open element 13, copy and close the original.  Select the top layer and paste.  Move to the bottom of the wordart and drop shadow.

Open element 16, copy and close the original.  Select the top leaf layer and paste.  Resize 15% and move to the bottom right so it is between the T and C of the wordart.  Duplicate and mirror.  Move to the left corner.  Drop shadow each layer.

Open element 11, copy and close the original.  Select the boarded wood layer and paste.  Resize 60% and move to the left side of the frame.  Duplicate and mirror.

Open element 5, copy and close the original.  Select the top leaf layer and paste.  Resize 20% and move behind the left rose.  Duplicate and move behind the right rose.

Open element 17, copy and close the original.  Select the top leaf layer and paste.  Resize 60% and move to the bottom center.

Add any other elements you like.

Merge visable.

Select the crop tool and in the toolbar, select the merge opaque box.  and click ok

Image, resize by 600 pixels on the longest side, all layers checked.

Adjust sharpness, Unsharpen mask, radius and clipping set to 5 and strength set to 30.  Click ok.

Add your copyright and name.

Save as png.

I hope you have enjoyed my tutorial.  I would love to see your results.

My Blinkie


I CT for

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