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My tutorials are written by me and are the results of my own imagination. Any resemblance to another tutorial are purely coincidental.

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Wednesday, February 7, 2024


This tutorial was written by me on July 1, 2020. The results are of my own imagination.  Any resemblance to another tutorial is purely coincidental.  

Please DO NOT claim this tutorial as your own.

This was written assuming you have a working knowledge of PSP.

Please keep in mind that I write the tutorial as I am creating it.

Sometimes I may not explain properly where to place things so please see my example if you are ever in doubt :)

Supplies needed

I am using PSP 2018 but this tutorial should work with any version.

Animation shop 

PTU Animated tube:  I am using a fabulous new Barbara Jensen animated tube "Windsor Red" You can purchase this beauty at Barbara's store here.  I am using the psd file for this tutorial.

PTU Kit:  I am using an awesome kit called "Hyperborean Hearts" created by Pink Paradox Productions.  You can purchase this kit at Barbara Jensen's store here.

Mask:  Mask 341 created by Mizteeques.  Thank you for your awesome masks.  You can download it from her blog here.  

Font of choice for your name.

Plug in: Mura Meisters - Copies

Drop shadow of choice.

Vivienne's Paintbox has awesome drop shadow settings that I use a lot.  You can find the settings here and check out her awesome tutorials :)

Please read all the Artist's/Designer's TOU.

Anytime you resize an element or tube you should sharpen it.  Go to adjust, sharpness, sharpen.

Let's get started.

Remember to save your tag often in case psp crashes.  I always save my tags as a pspimage.  It keeps all the layers and if you make tags for others you will always have the template.

Open a new 750x800 transparent image.  We will resize later.

Add a new layer and flood fill with white.

Open paper of choice.  I am using paper 38, copy and close the original.  Select the top layer and paste.  Go to Layers, new mask layer, from image and locate Miz mask 341 in the drop down.  Click ok and merge group.  Resize 110%.

Open element 139, copy and close the original.  Select the top layer and paste.  Resize 35% and sharpen.  Move to the upper left of the mask.

Open element 32, copy and close the original.  Select the top layer and paste.  Resize 40%, sharpen and drop shadow.  Move to the upper left just under the Dear.

Open element 43, copy and close the original.  Select the top layer and paste.  Resize 40%, sharpen and drop shadow.  Move to the upper right of the mask.

Open element 100, copy and close the original.  Select the top layer and paste.  Resize 50%, sharpen and drop shadow.  Move to the upper right of the clock.

Open element 34, copy and close the original.  Select the top layer and paste.  Resize 40%, sharpen and drop shadow.  Move to the upper right of the mailbox.

Open element 6, copy and close the original.  Select the top layer and paste.  Resize 20%, sharpen and drop shadow.  Move to the left of the cage.

Open element 96, copy and close the original.  Select the top layer and paste.  Resize 60%, sharpen and drop shadow.  Move to the far left of the mailbox.

Open element 30, copy and close the original.  Select the top layer and paste.  Resize 25%, sharpen and drop shadow.  Move to the lower left of the mailbox about half way down.

Open element 28, copy and close the original.  Select the top layer and paste.  Resize 15%, sharpen and drop shadow.  Move to the lower left about middle of the envelope

Open element 26, copy and close the original.  Select the top layer and paste.  Resize 25%, sharpen and drop shadow.  Move to the lower left of the mailbox.

Open element 111, copy and close the original.  Select the top layer and paste.  Resize 40%, sharpen and drop shadow.  Move to the lower right of the clock.

Open element 129, copy and close the original.  Select the top layer and paste.  Resize 30%, sharpen and drop shadow.  Move to the lower right over the leaf.

Open element 75, copy and close the original.  Select the top layer and paste.  Resize 20%, sharpen and drop shadow.  Move to the lower right over the pine cone.

Open your tube.  Hits Shift+D on your keyboard to duplicate the tube.  Close the original.  Resize 50% all layers checked.  Go to adjust, sharpen and apply a drop shadow for each of the 16 layers.  Holding down your Ctrl key select each layer from 1 to 16.  Once they are all highlighted in Blue go to Layers, New layer group and click ok.  The important part of working with a grouped psd image is to always make sure the Group 1 layer is selected.  Click on the link icon.  Go to edit, copy.  Select the tag and paste.  Move up slightly.  Hide the top 15 layers so only frame layer 1 is visible.

Open element 142, copy and close the original.  Select the top layer and paste.  Resize 30%, sharpen and drop shadow.  Move to the bottom center of the tube.

Open element 29, copy and close the original.  Select the top layer and paste.  Resize 17%, free rotate to the right 15 degrees, sharpen and drop shadow.  Move to the bottom left of element 142.

Open element 81, copy and close the original.  Select the top layer and paste.  Resize 15%, sharpen and drop shadow.  Move to the bottom right of the envelope.

Open element 110, copy and close the original.  Select the top layer and paste.  Resize 20%, sharpen and drop shadow.  Move to the bottom center of element 142 so it covers the bottom of the heart.

Open element 72, copy and close the original.  Select the top layer and paste.  Resize 17%, sharpen and drop shadow.  Move to the bottom of the leaves.

Open element 105, copy and close the original.  Select the top layer and paste.  Resize 30%, sharpen and drop shadow.  Move to the bottom left of the tube.

Open element 39, copy and close the original.  Select the top layer and paste.  Resize 20%, sharpen and drop shadow.  Move to the bottom left of the leaf.

Open element 12, copy and close the original.  Select the top layer and paste.  Resize 20%, sharpen and drop shadow.  Move to the bottom right of the hearts.

Open element 31, copy and close the original.  Select the top layer and paste.  Resize 30%, sharpen and drop shadow.  Move to the bottom of the hearts.

Open element 121, copy and close the original.  Select the top layer and paste.  Resize 50%, sharpen and drop shadow.  Move to the bottom center of the mask.

Add any other elements you like and make any adjustments to the layers.

Crop away any extra space.  Resize 650 on the longest side, all layers checked.

Add your copyright and name.

Animating the tag.  Make sure your tag is saved as you do not want to loose it if psp crashes.

Might want to grab a coffee :)

With only frame 1 visible go to Edit, copy special, copy merged.

Open Animation shop and paste as new animation for Ctrl + C.

****Back to psp.  

Hide frame 1 and click on the eyeball next to frame 2 to make it visible.

Edit, copy special, copy merged.

Back to Animation shop.

Edit, paste after current frame or Ctrl + Shift + L.****

Repeat from **** TO **** until you have 16 frames in Animation shop.  It will show you in the bottom right corner of AS.

One you have all 16 frames in animation shop, go to Edit, select all then Animation, frame properties.  

When the pop up box appears change the number to 20 and click ok.

Go to file Save as, gif and click next and next until you hit finished.  I use the default settings.

I hope you have enjoyed my tutorial.  I would love to see your results.


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